[Baopu Development] Joins IWBI’s WELL for residential Program
2024 Jan 09
寶舖建設加盟WELL 健康住宅計劃先行者行列,
通過填補行業空白的新標準協助IWBI 推廣更健康、更具復原性住宅環境,旨在帶動健康住宅產業最佳實踐。
To help catalyze and spur leadership in health and well-being across the residential sector,
Baopu Development is participating in a first-of-its-kind program aimed at establishing IWBI’s new global standard for healthier and more resilient homes.

(圖)WELL for residential 官方發布台灣寶舖建設之新訊
(2024 年 1 月8日,台北-紐約)致力於促進建築、組織和社區的健康與福祉變革的全球性權威機構——國際 WELL 建築研究院 (IWBI) 與臺灣住宅建設公司寶舖建設於今日宣佈:寶舖建設正式加入 IWBI 即將推出的 WELL 健康住宅試點計畫(WELL for residential Program),成為該計畫的先驅使用者。WELL 健康住宅標準是一部基於循證研究的、經第三方驗證的健康住宅標準,旨在為建築商、開發商、運營商、建築師和其他從業人員設計、建造和運營維護更健康、更有彈性的住宅空間提供依據,以支援居民的健康和福祉。透過此次合作,寶舖建設將採用以積極影響居民健康為目標的 WELL 策略來、按照WELL for residential 新標準打造的全台第一個新造住宅。
☞ 點我看 WELL for residential 官方發布
(January 8, 2024, Taipei – New York) The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI), the global authority for driving market transformation through healthy buildings, organizations and communities, and BAOPU Development announced today that the Taiwan-based residential developer became an early adopter of IWBI’s WELL for residential program, which is now open for enrollments. The first-of-its-kind, WELL for residential is an evidence-based, third-party verified certification program designed to transform the way homes are designed, built and maintained to support human health and well-being. This collaboration will allow BAOPU Development to build its BAOPU CARE project using WELL strategies designed to positively impact resident health.
(圖)寶舖建設旗下的「寶舖CARE」預計2025年竣工,屆時有望成為全台首個WELL For Residential 新標準認證的健康住宅,為台灣健康建築發展寫下斐然的一頁。
Baopu Care, scheduled to complete in 2025, aims to become Taiwan’s first residential new construction building to achieve the WELL for residential certification, setting a new benchmark for healthy living in Taiwan。
寶舖建設董事長劉克健表示:「作為台灣最早實踐WELL健康建築標準的企業之一,寶舖建設在過去幾年陸續完成幾項備受矚目的健康建築,包括WELL白金級健康建築『孕學林』產後護理中心以及公設大廳同樣獲得白金認證的『寶舖212』。憑藉先前的豐碩經驗和對企業以人為本、健康至上理念的堅持,寶舖建設很榮幸獲得IWBI邀約後正式參與WELL健康住宅計畫,並亦促使台灣成為首批加入該計畫的市場之一。預計2025年竣工的『寶舖CARE』有望成為全台首個WELL For residential 新標準認證的健康住宅,為台灣健康建築發展寫下斐然的一頁。
“Baopu is thrilled to join IWBI as an early adopter to advance the WELL for residential program,” said Ko-Chien Liu, chairman of Baopu Development. “As the first residential project in Taiwan to apply the new standard, Baopu Care, scheduled to complete in 2025, aims to become Taiwan’s first residential new construction building to achieve the WELL for residential certification, setting a new benchmark for healthy living in Taiwan.” Baopu is one of the early adopters of the WELL Building Standard in the Taiwan market. Its Infancix Postpartum Care Center and Baopu 212 showroom have both achieved WELL Certification at the Platinum level. Baopu’s people-first commitment coupled with its WELL expertise demonstrates its market leadership on healthy buildings, Liu acknowledged.
The ambition to be the first in Taiwan to achieve dual certification through IWBI - Baopu Care is seeking to extend health strategies inside each residence in the building through the WELL for residential program while working to earn WELL Certification for its shared and public spaces.
WELL 健康住宅計畫以 WELL 健康建築標準的科學依據和 WELL 十大概念為基礎,包含超過100個健康策略,支持新建和既有住宅,並適用於單戶家庭住宅和多戶高層建築。在新標準試行階段,IWBI 與包括寶舖建設在內、來自世界各地的業內領先的建築師、建造商、開發商、運營商和業主等合作,旨在改變全球住宅市場,使得更多人能夠住上更健康、更具復原性的住宅。
Grounded in the science-backed principles of the WELL Building Standard (WELL) and its 10 WELL concepts, the WELL for residential program consists of more than 100 health strategies that support new and existing residences and are applicable to both single-family homes and multifamily buildings. During the launch phase of the program, IWBI is partnering with leading architects, builders, developers, operators and owners - such as Baopu Development - to transform the global residential market to make healthier and more resilient homes more accessible to more people in more places.
IWBI 亞洲區總裁雪婭女士表示:「WELL健康住宅標準是一套依據科學證據研發的、能夠指導健康家居的設計、建造及運營管理的全新標準,先驅引用者可以為這套標準提供寶貴的實踐經驗,與IWBI一起在試行階段完善這一標準。我們很高興看到寶鋪建設有一次展示其健康至上的市場領導地位,率先與IWBI合作,在亞洲地區採用並推廣WELL健康住宅計劃。」
“The WELL for residential program is a library of evidence-based strategies that can help design, build and maintain healthy residences,” said Xue Ya, president of IWBI Asia. “Early adopters will have opportunities to help evolve the program by providing industry feedback. We are delighted to see that Baopu once again demonstrates health leadership by collaborating with IWBI to promote the new WELL program in Asia.”
WELL 健康住宅計畫的開發汲取了兩年來的業界意見、市場反饋以及IWBI WELL住宅顧問專家組的專業建議。該住宅顧問專家組由100多位全球著名的相關從業者組成,其中包括業內領先的建造商、開發商、建築師、工程師、公共衛生與建築科學家、政府官員和學者,以及其他房地產領域的專業人士。參與WELL 健康住宅的項目在完成對選定策略的第三方審查和驗證後,即可獲得 WELL 健康住宅標識。為獲得 WELL 健康住宅標識,項目需要獲得至少40分。此外,項目可在初步審查時申請 WELL 健康住宅中期認證,這將是一個具有里程碑意義的步驟,使項目方能夠在建築完成之前有機會展示其目標及進展。
The development of the WELL for residential program drew upon two years of industry input, market insight and expert recommendations from IWBI’s WELL for residential Advisory, a working group of over 100 globally renowned subject matter experts including leading builders and developers, architects and engineers, public health and building scientists, government officials and academics, as well as other real estate professionals. Companies can earn the WELL Residence seal for residences upon completion of third-party review and verification of selected strategies. To be certified as a WELL Residence, a home must achieve at least 40 points. Projects also have an opportunity to earn precertified WELL Residence status for participating units upon preliminary design review, a milestone step forward that allows participants to communicate achievement before construction is completed.
Today, in the U.S. alone, the residential sector spans more than 120 million homes totaling roughly 224 billion square feet of real estate. The importance of creating healthier environments in the residential sector has become a top priority among homeowners.
WELL 健康住宅計劃是 WELL 標準體系的最新成員,為創造以人為本的住宅提供了新途徑。該計畫是基於 IWBI 在多戶住宅領域的 WELL 認證和評價體系所取得的成果上構建的。IWBI 高度讚揚那些追求 WELL 健康建築認證的多戶住宅開發商和業主所展現出的領導力,是他們的經驗為開發新的 WELL 健康住宅計畫提供了參考和啟發。
The WELL for residential program adds to the WELL ecosystem and provides a new pathway for creating people-first residences. This program builds upon the work IWBI has already done within the multifamily sector through its WELL Certification and WELL ratings. IWBI applauds the leadership demonstrated by the multifamily residential developers and owners who have pursued WELL Certification. Their experiences have helped inform and inspire the development of the new WELL for residential program.
儘管眾多研究已經表明人們對健康住宅的需求正在不斷增加,但在居民住宅健康領域的法規和標準卻相對匱乏。WELL 健康住宅計畫致力於提供一種有助於改變全球住宅市場的解決方案,旨在讓全球更多的人有機會享受健康家居。
While numerous studies show healthy homes are increasingly in demand, regulations and standards focused on resident health in homes are largely lacking. The WELL for residential program seeks to provide a solution that helps transform the global residential market and ensure that everyone, no matter their backgrounds, has access to a home that enhances their health and enables them to make healthier decisions.
WELL 標準體系包括:基於以人為本的WELL 健康建築標準的 WELL 認證、WELL 健康-安全評價準則、WELL 健康建築性能評價準則、WELL 健康均等評價準則以及 WELL 健康社區標準。WELL 全面、循證的方法為全球企業和機構提供了促進人力和社會資本績效以及加強其 ESG 戰略的路線圖。因此,全球近 130 個國家中數以千計的組織機構,包括近 30% 的《財富》500 強企業,已在 4 萬多個地點、近 50 億平方英尺的空間將WELL納入其核心戰略。
The WELL ecosystem comprises WELL Certification under the WELL Building Standard, a library of building and organizational strategies focused on health, the WELL Health-Safety Rating, WELL Performance Rating, WELL Equity Rating and certification under the WELL Community Standard. WELL’s holistic, evidence-based approach has provided a roadmap for organizations to promote human and social capital performance and enhance their ESG strategy. As a result, thousands of organizations including nearly 30% of Fortune 500 companies across nearly 130 countries have adopted WELL strategies in more than 40,000 locations totalling almost five billion square feet of space.
關於 國際 WELL 建築研究院:
國際 WELL 建築研究院(簡稱 IWBI)是引領全球打造以人為本的人居環境、推動健康文化的公益企業,其旗下的 WELL 健康建築評級體系以 WELL 健康建築標準為核心,同時還包括WELL 健康社區標準、WELL 健康-安全評價準則、WELL 健康建築性能評價準則、WELL 健康均等評價準則,以及協助企業、組織和機構規模化實現健康與福祉的廣泛提升的 WELL 規模計畫,並通過 WELL 專業資質連接全球 WELL AP 人群。IWBI 通過推動健康建築相關的應用研究、傳播教育資源並宣導有助於提升健康與福祉的政策而凝聚、帶動全球 WELL 人群及健康房地產業人士,力爭讓所有人受益。關於 IWBI 更多資訊
About the International WELL Building Institute
The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) is a public benefit corporation and the world’s leading organization focused on deploying people-first places to advance a global culture of health. IWBI mobilizes its community through the administration of the WELL Building Standard (WELL) and WELL ratings and certifications, management of the WELL AP credential, the pursuit of applicable research, the development of educational resources and advocacy for policies that promote health and well-being everywhere. More information on WELL can be found here.
International WELL Building Institute, IWBI, the WELL Building Standard, WELL v2, WELL Certified, WELL AP, WELL Enterprise Provider, WELL Score, The WELL Conference, We Are WELL, the WELL Community Standard, WELL Health-Safety Rating, WELL Health-Safety Rated, WELL Equity, WELL Equity Rated, WELL Performance Rating, WELL Performance Rated, Works with WELL, WELL and others, and their related logos are trademarks or certification marks of International WELL Building Institute pbc in the United States and other countries.
國際WELL建築研究院、IWBI、WELL健康建築標準、WELL v2、WELL認證、WELL AP、WELL機構服務商、WELL得分、WELL峰會、We Are WELL、WELL健康社區標準、WELL健康-安全評價準則、WELL健康-安全評價、WELL健康均等評價準則、WELL健康均等評價、WELL健康建築性能評價準則、WELL健康建築性能評價、Works with WELL,WELL及其相關標識是國際WELL建築研究院PBC在美國及其他國家的商標或認證標識。
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Yahoo! Finance:【Baopu Development Joins IWBI's WELL for Residential Program】
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